We introduce KiloGram, a resource for studying abstract visual reasoning in humans and machines. Drawing on the history of tangram puzzles as stimuli in cognitive science, we build a richly annotated dataset that, with >1k distinct stimuli, is orders of magnitude larger and more diverse than prior resources. It is both visually and linguistically richer, moving beyond whole shape descriptions to include segmentation maps and part labels. We use this resource to evaluate the abstract visual reasoning capacities of recent multi-modal models. We observe that pre-trained weights demonstrate limited abstract reasoning, which dramatically improves with fine-tuning. We also observe that explicitly describing parts aids abstract reasoning for both humans and models, especially when jointly encoding the linguistic and visual inputs. KiloGram is available at https://lil.nlp.cornell.edu/kilogram .
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从我们生命的最早几年开始,人类使用语言来表达我们的信念和欲望。因此,能够与人造代理讨论我们的偏好将实现价值一致性的核心目标。然而,今天,我们缺乏解释这种灵活和抽象语言使用的计算模型。为了应对这一挑战,我们考虑在线性强盗环境中考虑社会学习,并询问人类如何传达与行为的偏好(即奖励功能)。我们研究两种不同类型的语言:指令,提供有关所需政策的信息和描述,这些信息提供了有关奖励功能的信息。为了解释人类如何使用这些形式的语言,我们建议他们推理出已知和未知的未来状态:对当前的说明优化,同时描述对未来进行了推广。我们通过扩展奖励设计来考虑对国家的分配来形式化此选择。然后,我们定义了一种务实的听众,该代理人通过推理说话者如何表达自己来侵犯说话者的奖励功能。我们通过行为实验来验证我们的模型,表明(1)我们的说话者模型预测了自发的人类行为,并且(2)我们的务实的听众能够恢复其奖励功能。最后,我们表明,在传统的强化学习环境中,务实的社会学习可以与个人学习相结合并加速。我们的发现表明,从更广泛的语言中的社会学习,特别是,扩大了该领域的目前对指示的关注,以包括从描述中学习 - 是一种有前途的价值一致性和强化学习的有前途的方法。
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We explore unifying a neural segmenter with two-pass cascaded encoder ASR into a single model. A key challenge is allowing the segmenter (which runs in real-time, synchronously with the decoder) to finalize the 2nd pass (which runs 900 ms behind real-time) without introducing user-perceived latency or deletion errors during inference. We propose a design where the neural segmenter is integrated with the causal 1st pass decoder to emit a end-of-segment (EOS) signal in real-time. The EOS signal is then used to finalize the non-causal 2nd pass. We experiment with different ways to finalize the 2nd pass, and find that a novel dummy frame injection strategy allows for simultaneous high quality 2nd pass results and low finalization latency. On a real-world long-form captioning task (YouTube), we achieve 2.4% relative WER and 140 ms EOS latency gains over a baseline VAD-based segmenter with the same cascaded encoder.
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Artificial intelligence methods including deep neural networks (DNN) can provide rapid molecular classification of tumors from routine histology with accuracy that matches or exceeds human pathologists. Discerning how neural networks make their predictions remains a significant challenge, but explainability tools help provide insights into what models have learned when corresponding histologic features are poorly defined. Here, we present a method for improving explainability of DNN models using synthetic histology generated by a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN). We show that cGANs generate high-quality synthetic histology images that can be leveraged for explaining DNN models trained to classify molecularly-subtyped tumors, exposing histologic features associated with molecular state. Fine-tuning synthetic histology through class and layer blending illustrates nuanced morphologic differences between tumor subtypes. Finally, we demonstrate the use of synthetic histology for augmenting pathologist-in-training education, showing that these intuitive visualizations can reinforce and improve understanding of histologic manifestations of tumor biology.
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The Transformer is an extremely powerful and prominent deep learning architecture. In this work, we challenge the commonly held belief in deep learning that going deeper is better, and show an alternative design approach that is building wider attention Transformers. We demonstrate that wide single layer Transformer models can compete with or outperform deeper ones in a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks when both are trained from scratch. The impact of changing the model aspect ratio on Transformers is then studied systematically. This ratio balances the number of layers and the number of attention heads per layer while keeping the total number of attention heads and all other hyperparameters constant. On average, across 4 NLP tasks and 10 attention types, single layer wide models perform 0.3% better than their deep counterparts. We show an in-depth evaluation and demonstrate how wide models require a far smaller memory footprint and can run faster on commodity hardware, in addition, these wider models are also more interpretable. For example, a single layer Transformer on the IMDb byte level text classification has 3.1x faster inference latency on a CPU than its equally accurate deeper counterpart, and is half the size. We therefore put forward wider and shallower models as a viable and desirable alternative for small models on NLP tasks, and as an important area of research for domains beyond this.
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在不同的运动模式之间切换(例如,楼梯上升/下降,坡道上升/下降)时,动力的假肢腿必须预见用户的意图。许多数据驱动的分类技术已经证明了预测用户意图的有希望的结果,但是这些意图预测模型对新主题的表现仍然不受欢迎。在其他域(例如,图像分类)中,通过从大型数据集(即预训练的模型)中使用先前学习的功能,然后将此学模型转移到可用的新任务中,可以提高转移学习的精度。在本文中,我们开发了一个基于人类运动数据集的内部受试者(受试者)和主体间(主体独立)验证的深卷卷神经网络。然后,我们使用剩下的主题中的一小部分(10%)将转移学习应用于主题独立的模型。我们比较了这三个模型的性能。我们的结果表明,转移学习(TL)模型的表现优于主题无关(IND)模型,并且与主题依赖性(DEP)模型(DEP错误:0.74 $ \ pm $ 0.002%,IND错误:11.59 $ \ \ PM $ 0.076%,TL错误:3.57 $ \ pm $ 0.02%,有10%的数据)。此外,正如预期的那样,随着剩余主题的更多数据的可用性,转移学习精度会提高。我们还通过各种传感器配置评估了意图预测系统的性能,这些传感器配置可能会在假肢应用程序中可用。我们的结果表明,假体的大腿IMU足以预测实践中的运动意图。
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与LTE网络相比,5G的愿景在于提供较高的数据速率,低延迟(为了实现近实时应用程序),大大增加了基站容量以及用户的接近完美服务质量(QoS)。为了提供此类服务,5G系统将支持LTE,NR,NR-U和Wi-Fi等访问技术的各种组合。每种无线电访问技术(RAT)都提供不同类型的访问,这些访问应在用户中对其进行最佳分配和管理。除了资源管理外,5G系统还将支持双重连接服务。因此,网络的编排对于系统经理在旧式访问技术方面来说是一个更困难的问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于联合元学习(FML)的大鼠分配算法,该算法使RAN Intelligent Controller(RIC)能够更快地适应动态变化的环境。我们设计了一个包含LTE和5G NR服务技术的模拟环境。在模拟中,我们的目标是在传输的截止日期内满足UE需求,以提供更高的QoS值。我们将提出的算法与单个RL试剂,爬行动物算法和基于规则的启发式方法进行了比较。仿真结果表明,提出的FML方法分别在第一部部署回合21%和12%时达到了较高的缓存率。此外,在比较方法中,提出的方法最快地适应了新任务和环境。
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